dairy by-products
Greece - Northern Greece
expired dairy products
bakery industry products
potato peels
potato peels
citrus waste
citrus waste
4.1.1. The biogas digestate valorisation route (CERTH)
KER1: Selective Electrodialysis of digestates
3 Waste4Soil partners are directly involved in the Greek Living-Lab: CERTH, CLUBE and DIADYMA. CERTH will lead the Greek Living Lab and will be responsible for running the separation technologies and analyses, as well as bringing in food processing industries, biogas plants, and biofertiliser companies to collaborate with the Living Lab, while CLUBE cluster will be responsible for the formulation and distribution of end products to farmers and other members of the cluster.
Subsequent processing of the digestate will be promoted and several techniques including the electrochemical SED nutrient recovery processing will be further employed into a diverse number of digestates with food processing residues origin used in Northern Greece biogas plants participating in the LL.
CLUBE will work on triple helix aspects of the living lab. DIADYMA will support transportation and handling of food processing residues. Subsequent processing of the digestate will be promoted and several techniques including the electrochemical SED nutrient recovery processing will be further employed into a diverse number of digestates with food processing residues origin used in Northern Greece biogas plants participating in the LL.