
In the Waste4Soil project, as part of the Catalonia Living Lab, Leitat has started operating a 530 L pilot of bioelectrochemically-improved anerobic digestion (AD-BES), designed to process local residues such as beer bagasse, wine vinasse, alperujo (olive oil production residue), and swine manure. Through the AD-BES process, the system transforms these residues into biogas and digestate—a semi-liquid byproduct that will be used to extract ammonium sulfate for the production of soil improvers.
The University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty participated in the Symposium New Challenges in Agronomy, held in Laško, Slovenia, on January 30 and 31, 2025. During the event, they presented their research on microalgae biostimulants as part of the Waste4Soil project in the Production Technologies section.
Our partner CLuBE presented the Waste4Soil project at their General Assembly on January 17th, 2025, in Kozani, Greece.
On January 9, 2025, the Italian partner, the University of Parma, hosted a workshop for students to demonstrate how various food processing residues can be transformed into valuable new products. The workshop featured a mix of theoretical and practical activities to provide a comprehensive learning experience.
At the Innovation Commission meeting on December 16, 2024, ANIA shared updates on public funding and the European projects it monitors, taking the opportunity to present Waste4Soil.
Our Partners IRTA, Leitat Technological Center, and ITENE organized a workshop at the Catalan Living Lab on 02 December 2024 at Torre Marimon (Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona), Spain.
3R organized a Committee Board Workshop on the 29th of November 2024, which was attended by 9 participants from farmers, food industries, producer organizations and citizen organizations. The business exploitation, market takeover, technical and financial planning of ABC-COMPOCHAR's subsequent scale-up were reviewed.
Our partner ITENE participated in the European Bioplastic event in Brussels, Belgium, on the 16th of October 2024. Miriam Lorenzo Navarro has presented the WASTE4SOIL platform/app. The farmers-to-farmers platform for industrial agro waste to turn food waste into sustainable soil improvers for better soil health and improved food systems.
On November 15, 2024, our partner ANIA showcased the Waste4Soil project at the “Programme of the Carnot Qualiment Strategic Orientation Committee” event in Paris, France.
The Waste4Soil participated on the 14th of November 2024 at the Mission Soil Platform Cluster, which was held in Brussels, Belgium. This was the first event in person of the cluster meeting for projects, providing an excellent opportunity to connect and learn from each other. This event brought together Mission Soil-funded projects and representatives from the European Commission to exchange experience, research, and results of the projects, and coordinate future activities to further support and advance Mission Soil’s objectives.
The Waste4Soil project has participated in the Second Edition of the Mission Soil Week, which took place in Brussels, Belgium, from 12 to 13 November 2024.
The Confagricoltura participated at the ECOMONDO - ITALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP on the 5th of November 2024, where presented the Waste4Soil Project at Rimini, Italy.
Our partner, the University of Ljubljana, and the Slovenian Association for Conservation Agriculture (SACA) and the Slovenian organized a workshop titled “No-till in conservation agriculture “on 28/10/2024 on the agriculture field in Gorišnica, Slovenia. During the event the Waste4Soil project and the advantages of no-till farming were presented, with a focus on soil protection and the specifics of targeted fertilization.
Scientific article on the “Microalgae Production on Biogas Digestate in Sub-Alpine Region of Europe—Development of Simple Management Decision Support Tool”, published in the MDPI Sustainability journal with the financial support of the Waste4Soil project.
Waste4Soil project will be participating in the second edition of the European Mission Soil Week, taking place on November 12-13, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium
On 16-17 October 2024, 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. hosted the Month Seventeen Waste4Soil Consortium Meeting at the Biofarm, at Kajaszo, Central Transdanubia, Hungary. The two-day event, organized in a hybrid format, brought together the consortium’s 27 partners and 1 associated partner. The meeting consisted of presentations, discussions, and interactive sessions to review the project’s progress and plan the next months of the project.
On 23 September 2024 our partner, 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd organized a Committee Board Workshop, in Kajaszo Biofarm Upcycling Center, Hungary. The workshop consisted of the participation of farmers, the food industry, producers of soil improvers, citizens' organizations, and the Policymakers.
Our partners, the University of Ljubljana, ZRS and KOTO organised a workshop of the Living Lab ‘Slovenia – Istria’ on 10 October 2024 in Marezige, Istria region, Slovenia.
On 27th of September 2024, our LAB University of Applied Science organized an online workshop, titled “Legislation can promote or hinder nutrient recycling". The online workshop was focused on how current laws influence the reuse of nutrient-rich side streams from food manufacturing as soil improvers for agriculture. The lecture part explored the legislative uncertainties surrounding this practice and discussed potential regulatory changes that could impact its future.
On 20 September 2024, our partner LAB University of Applied Science, organized a Living Labs workshop at Knehtilä, Finland. Päijät-Häme Living lab got familiar with Palopuro Agroecological Symbiosis' (Palopuro AS) - for restructuring the food system in Palopuro village in the Finnish countryside, which is a forerunner example of organic farming and bio-based symbiosis. A local food cycle highlights the reconnection of farmers and consumers, minimizes nutrient loss, and relies on local (bio)energy.
On the 23rd of September 2024, our partners Università degli Studi di Parma, Confagricoltura, Legacoop Nazionale, and Gesco (Amadori) organized a Living Lab Emilia-Romagna, - update online meeting.
On the 13th of September 2024, our Coordinator CERTH organized a stakeholders' meeting along with a panel discussion with experts in the field at the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair at HELEXPO. Was the 3rd Greek Living Lab for the production and application of innovative soil improvers, under the European Waste4Soil project that took place, in Thessaloniki,Greece.
On 10 September 2024, our partners Confagricoltura and the University of Parma participated, in the IUFoST 2024 event, the 22nd World Congress of the International Union of Food Science and Technology, which was held in Rimini, Italy. They have the opportunity to present the Waste4Soil project and especially the "Emilia-Romagna” Living Lab project to stakeholders. This event highlighted the initiatives and results achieved, providing a platform to discuss and share innovations in the field of food science and technology.
Our partner University of Ljubljana participated in the 62nd International Fair of Agriculture and Food – AGRA, from 24th to 29th August 2024 which was held in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia, and presented the Waste4Soil project.
The European Congress on Biotechnology in Rotterdam, Netherlands, which was held from 30 June to 3 July 2024. Our partner the University of Parma presented the Waste4Soil project and part of the work carried out to date by the Living Lab Emilia-Romagna.
During the "11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management" in Rhodes, Greece, from 19 to 22 June 2024, the coordinator of the project Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) & ARTEMIS Laboratory participated and presented the Waste4Soil.
During the “Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences” held in Florence (Italy) from May 19-21, 2024, Alfonso Vera Ayala, from CSIC organization, presented the Waste4Soil in the poster session “From Waste to Wealth: Enhancing Soil Health with Novel Soil improvers – the Waste4Soil project”.
The Waste4Soil was at Interpera (Internationa Pear Congress) on 26 -27 June in Òbidos, Portugal, organized by AREFLH and ANP (National Association of Pera Rocha Producers).
During the “2024 ISPIM Innovation Conference - Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact" on 9 -12 June 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia our partner LAB University of Applied Sciences participated and presented the Wast4Soil project. During the Conference, the project results were presented as a poster entitled “Defending the Best Practices in the Valorisation of the Food Processing Residues".
Our Partner LAB University of Applied Sciences, on 28 May 2024 organized a workshop on the cluster activities of Päijät-Häme Living Lab titled “Taking over Fish Streams”. The event was centered around the significant topic of fish-derived side streams and their origins in the Päijät-Häme living lab region. Key stakeholders from the local authority biogas production aquaculture and research sectors converged to discuss the production, utilization, and research concerning fish side streams.
The partners of the Waste4Soil ARTEMIS laboratory (CPERI/CERTH) and Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE), Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia have participated in the Balkan Energy Forum. On 23rd May 2024, at the stand of 1a of the bioeconomy and Environment Cluster of Western Macedonia (CluBE) at the Exhibition Center of Western Macedonia in Koila, Kozani, Greece.
Our partners IRTA and Leitat organized the first stakeholder workshop of the Catalan Living Lab on 29 April 2024 was held at IRTA Torre Marimon (Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona) under the European project Waste4Soil. These Living Labs aim at producing soil improvers from waste from wine production (vinasses and pruning waste), olive oil (olive pomace) beer (bagasse) and pig by-products.
Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) has participated in the "Circular Bio-based Europe -Joint Undertaking, Bio-based Industries Consortium, CEE2ACT project: Promoting Bioeconomy in Greece" that took place on 15 April 2024 at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens which prompted the Waste4Soil.
Waste4Soil partners Confagricoltura, Università degli Studi di Parma, LegacoopNazionale, and Amadori have organized the 1st meeting on 18 April in Parma, Italy, that was held at the Azienda Agraria Sperimentale Stuard.
Waste4Soil partner Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) has organized the 1st Bioeconomy Festival in Kozani, Greece entitled: "BioChange Fest Kozani Viewer or Changemaker on 13 March 2024, in cooperation with the TEI of Western Macedonia and Go Alive, was Waste4Soil Project where present.
Waste4Soil partner at the Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa - PIBon has organized the kick-off workshop in Poland on the 5th of March 2024. The event took place in the Lublin Voivodeship, in the village of Siedliszczki in an agricultural biogas plant, which is located next to a dairy.
University of Applied Science (LAB) has organized the kick-off of the Päijät-Häme Living Lab in Finland. That took place in the LAB showroom in the city of Lahti campus, on the 13th of March 2024.
Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE) has presented the Waste4Soil project during the “VI Meeting on Sustainability Packaging in the Circular Economy and Recycling Technologies”, which took place on the 29th of February to the 1st of March 2024 in Valencia, Spain.
Our partners University of Ljubljana, KOTO, and ZRS Koper organized the workshop meeting of Living Lab Slovenia - Istria in the old palace Gravisi Tiepolo in Koper on 16 February 2024.
Confagricoltura and Università degli Studi di Parma presented the Waste4Soil Project at Fruit Logistica, held from 7 to 9 February 2024, in Berlin, Germany. The Università degli Studi di Parma in the event, has highlighted the "Emilia Romagna” living lab.
Waste4Soil project, ARTEMIS Laboratory, and Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CLuBE), were present at the Agrotica Expo, at the stand of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food (pavilion 2, on the first floor - stand: 41a) on 4 February 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Waste4Soil project has participated in Mission Soil Week, which took place in Madrid, Spain from the 21 to 23 November 2023. To present the Waste4Soil, Horizon EU project that was launched last summer with the vision of improving soil health by transferring food industry by-products.
Waste4SOIL is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission within the framework of the EU MISSION ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’. The Soil Mission aims to lead the transition to healthy soils via sustainable soil management. The Horizon Europe project will run for the next four years and is expected to deliver its results in 2027. The Waste4Soil project officially started on 1st June 2023. It is composed of 27 partners & 1 associated partner.
Waste4Soil Horizon Europe project officially started on 1st June 2023.It is composed of 27 partners & 1 associated partner.
The Waste4Soil project participated in ECOMONDO in Rimini, Italy from 7 to 10 November. Our partner Confagricoltura presented Waste4Soil with a commitment to sustainability, technological innovation, and the bioeconomy through European projects.