3R organized a Committee Board Workshop on the 29th of November 2024, which was attended by 9 participants from farmers, food industries, producer organizations and citizen organizations. The business exploitation, market takeover, technical and financial planning of ABC-COMPOCHAR's subsequent scale-up were reviewed.
Scale up business model is planned for a new animal by-product based ABC (Animal Bone bioChar )-COMPOCHAR product which is upcycled from food processing residues. The product has "all in one" composition and could be legally used both as multifunctional compound soil improver and biofertilizer.
To further improve user credibility, the successful 2024 ABC-COMPOCHAR field trials continued in 2025 and 2026 to demonstrate best practices with "ready to practice" demonstration effects. An important final design element is the identification of possible public and private financing systems for the implementation of the first full industrial replication model of TRL9/BRL9, which can be used on an industrial scale to demonstrate the new ABC-COMPOCHAR business model, the circular bioeconomy and boost global market replication.