Waste4Soil at Cluster Event 2024

The Waste4Soil participated on the 14th of November 2024 at the Mission Soil Platform Cluster, which was held in Brussels, Belgium. 

This was the first event in person of the cluster meeting for projects, providing an excellent opportunity to connect and learn from each other.  This event brought together Mission Soil-funded projects and representatives from the European Commission to exchange experience, research, and results of the projects, and coordinate future activities to further support and advance Mission Soil’s objectives.

  • The event included three main clusters: 
    Data & Knowledge Management
  •  Communication & Stakeholders Engagement
  •  Soil Indicators & Monitoring

The overall aim of the three Mission’s Soil clusters was to ensure that projects related to Mission Soil regularly exchange on specific topics, develop timely and concrete actions for cooperation, and in this way, maximize the synergies. Collaborations in the clusters aim to allow projects to scale up their outputs and good practices, increase the research impact, and expand outreach.

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