3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. is an upcycling technology RTD specialized company with core competence of ecological recycling and added value reuse of unexploited biomass by unique high temperature 3R Zero Emission/energy independent pyrolysis and biotech means.
Main Role:
3R will perform high TRL/BRL biochar RTD innovative actions: (a)User driven development of innovative COMPO-CHAR process, (b)development of biochar combined solid-state fermentation/formulation process to transform unexploited biomass into BIO-NPK-C compound biofertilizers for restoration of soil microbiological life/balance and economical productivity. Activities connected to Hungarian LL.
Involved persons:
Edward Someus , CEO, upcycling engineer)
Magdolna Halasz, bioengineer
Laurence Someus, veterinian and animal by-product processing