Assembly of European Regions producing Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamental Plants (France)

The Assembly of European Regions producing Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamental Plants is an association created in 2000 on the initiative of a group of Spanish, French and Italian regions. It gathers 16 regions and 32 Associations of producer and organizations and 8 associate members organizations from 10 European countries. 


Main Role:  

AREFLH is mainly involved in the communication and dissemination activity and is the task leader of activities for raising awareness, our role is to manage the social media channels. In addition, we will support the flow of practical information to the European target audience, especially organizations relevant to the Waste4Soil topic and spread the information through our 16 regions members.  As well we are involved in the activities of collaboration with the sister projects and similar projects. 


Involved persons:  

Laetitia FORGET, Communication and administration 

Pauline PANEGOS, Secretaire General 

Eriselda CANAJ, EU projects officer (based in Brussels) 

Luca CONTRINO, EU Policy officer (based in Brussels) 

The Consortium

  • Center for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • The Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (France)
  • University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  • Soilfood OY (Finland)
  • Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (Spain)
  • Università degli studi di Parma (Italy)
  • Assembly of European Regions producing Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamental Plants (France)
  • Leitat Technological Center (Spain)
  • SEDE Environment (France)
  • 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. (Hungary)
  • Instituto Technologico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logistica(Spain)
  • Legacoop Agroalimentare (Italy)
  • WINGS ICT Solutions (Greece)
  • Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)
  • Confagricoltura general Confederation of Italian Agriculture (Italy)
  • Biomasa Peninsular S.A (Spain)
  • Institute of soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute (Poland)
  • Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (Greece)
  • Waste Management of Western Macedonia S.A. (Greece)
  • KOTO d.o.o. (Slovenia)
  • Gesco Societa Cooperativa Agricola (Italy)
  • University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (Hungary)
  • Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  • Spanish National Research Council (Spain)
  • Science and Research Centre Koper (Slovenia)
  • Euroquality SAS (France)
  • Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Switzerland)