Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (Greece)

CLuBE is a platform for cooperation of the three pillars of the regional economy: the public sector, research and entrepreneurship. It seeks to develop synergies between local and regional players and businesses in bioenergy and the environment, aiming at introducing and developing innovation in the sector and increasing. 


Main Role: 

CLUBE is directly involved in the Greek Living-Lab and responsible for bringing food processing industries and their members biogas plants to collaborate while will also be responsible for the formulation and distribution of end products to farmers. CLUBE will work on triple helix aspects of the living lab.

Involving persons: 

Marinou Amalia, senior project manager

Theodouli Korka, junior project manager

The Consortium

  • Center for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • The Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (France)
  • University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  • Soilfood OY (Finland)
  • Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (Spain)
  • Università degli studi di Parma (Italy)
  • Assembly of European Regions producing Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamental Plants (France)
  • Leitat Technological Center (Spain)
  • SEDE Environment (France)
  • 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. (Hungary)
  • Instituto Technologico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logistica(Spain)
  • Legacoop Agroalimentare (Italy)
  • WINGS ICT Solutions (Greece)
  • Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)
  • Confagricoltura general Confederation of Italian Agriculture (Italy)
  • Biomasa Peninsular S.A (Spain)
  • Institute of soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute (Poland)
  • Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (Greece)
  • Waste Management of Western Macedonia S.A. (Greece)
  • KOTO d.o.o. (Slovenia)
  • Gesco Societa Cooperativa Agricola (Italy)
  • University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (Hungary)
  • Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  • Spanish National Research Council (Spain)
  • Science and Research Centre Koper (Slovenia)
  • Euroquality SAS (France)
  • Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Switzerland)