Established in 1997, Euroquality has also been involved as a partner in a large number of projects, bringing its knowledge on several technical topics and its strong expertise on the management of EU projects and rules. This expertise is considered essential by most coordinator of projects EQY has worked with, as it helps ensuring the right implementation of the project in due time and by respecting the rules, using already approved methodologies and tools.
Main Role:
Euroquality will be responsible for the information management, will help CERTH to animate the consortium and develop tools that will facilitate know-how exchanges and collaborative work. Euroquality will also oversee the communication and dissemination activities in close collaboration with the coordinator and all partners of the project. EQY will be leading WP7 on Communication, dissemination and exploitation activities.
Involved persons:
Johanna Mahélé, Collaborative Project Manager
Urielle Jacq, Collaborative Project Manager
Suzon Bedu, Collaborative Project Manager