
The Waste4Soil work plan is organised along 8 Work Packages (WP):  

  • WP1 is dedicated to centralising knowledge and know-how developed during the project and to producing final tools and guidelines.  
  • WP2 is a central WP: it is dedicated to the 7 living labs (LL) its co-creative practices and the co-implementation of demonstration and impact monitoring activities.  
  • All WP3, 4, 5, and 6 will cooperate with WP2 to set activities aligned to LL local contexts:  
    • WP3 maps and characterizes available food processing residues streams and optimise their collection and transport to treatment facilities;  
    • WP4 develops promising technologies for transforming food processing residues into soil improvers and formulate soil improvers;  
    • WP5 standardises the protocols for monitoring the impact of the developed solutions and soil improvers and assesses the impact on soil health and crops’ performance; and WP6 assesses best circular bioeconomic business models to support sustainability of the project results.  
  • WP7 frames communication activities together the exploitation of the developed knowledge and tools.  
  • WP8 manages overall project and ethics.  
The Waste4Soil work plan is organised along 8 Work Packages (WP)